Need to Draw More Attention to Your Business? PR Pitching and 6 Other Ideas

Trying to get attention for your business, especially if you’re just starting out, is challenging. You’re competing with already established businesses. Clients and customers may already have the company they like supporting. How can you draw them over to you?

One way is through PR pitching. Sending out a press release or a story pitch to your local news station provides an opportunity to get the attention that way. For some companies, this kind of attention is significant for their success.

If you’re struggling with PR pitching and need other ideas to get some attention, we have six methods to try.

Boost Online Posts

Through Facebook and Instagram’s options for paid advertisement, this can get your business name in front of eyes you couldn’t do otherwise. Being online is huge nowadays. However, your posts can easily become lost within someone’s feed. Boosting your posts and setting your target audience allows your business to pop up and catch eyes.

Offer Samples or Free Trials

If you sell a product, free samples are an excellent way to grab attention. Very few people will pass up on a chance to try something for free. It doesn’t have to be anything significant that you end up losing money. Something small that will entice customers to come back for more is all you need.

For businesses that provide a service, offering a free trial period is the equivalent of a free product sample. Your clients can test things about before making the investment, and this goes a long way.

Support Your Local Community

Companies that give back to their community get a huge boost of attention. There really is no losing going this route. You help make your company look good by volunteering and showing that you care for the community that supports your business. The place you support or volunteer gets some much-needed help.

Focus on SEO

For online, SEO means everything. Search engine optimization is what can get your website showing at the top of the search page, rather than at the bottom.

Learning SEO can get tricky, so spend some time understanding it first before you begin. Then, you’ll want to optimize everything from your website to your social media profiles.

Hand Out Newsletters and Flyers

Sometimes, all you need to do is go the old fashion route of newsletters and flyers. Hanging up posters around town can grab the attention of those who may not use social media regularly or don’t pay attention to other forms of advertisement.

Ask local businesses if you can leave newsletters available for people to take and if you can put up flyers somewhere. The more you put up, the more eyes you’ll grab.

Add a Face to Your Company

You want your clients and customers to connect with your business. Establishing that relationship is key for keeping them long-term. By adding a face to the company, you help add that personal connection.

Uploading videos of you doing something related to your business. Post pictures of your employees. Simple things like that can help grab the attention of new customers.

Use these tips on top of PR pitching to get more attention towards your company. Having local news stations run stories on your company is an excellent way. Mix with our other points, and you’ll be well on your way to gaining a lot of attention.