Why Combine Digital Marketing & Analytics

Where it concerns digital marketing and SEO in Vancouver, analytics should be a key part of the conversation. After all, they are the main differentiating factor between traditional and digital marketing. With the mass of trackable numbers from the largest subset of identifiable users ever reliably conceived, why wouldn’t you look at the stats? Why wouldn’t you want to compare and contrast your efforts with reliable, specific information?

It’s pretty hard to consider how one could not see the benefits of studying the provided statistics of Vancouver SEO tools and dashboards, actually. The answer is so clear when you consider even the vaguest benefits, but the actual insights you could glean? Likely limitless when properly handled.

So then the question becomes, “how do you utilize the analytics of a Vancouver SEO marketing campaign?” Unfortunately, the answer seems to change based on who you ask. There are countless articles telling you how to use some service or tool in a compelling way, but every agency, DIYer and contractor has their own unique interpretation of the “right” method. And, by and large, every approach leads to some level of indeterminate success, further complicating matters.

So should you follow the manufacturer’s instructions then? In this case, Google has no small amount of compelling literature on a whole host of measurements, including vague information about which ones are most heavily weighted from their perspective. But, test after test shows that other techniques or data are far more effective and reliable, which surely leads to some of the issues described above.

At this point, most people tend to face a decision. Do you settle for a few reliable metrics and add a bit of razzle-dazzle to make them look good? Or do you just become a fatalist and turn away from the whole venture in bitter defeat? These are both reasonable decisions and will accommodate the bell curve well. But what of those who want to push past this natural barrier? Is there *perhaps* a third option?

Now, this may just be conjecture, but what would happen if you began to correlate data sets across multiple campaigns? For the SEO experts and full-service marketing agencies who have a large portfolio of active clients, aggregating the whole of the data may lead to those insights reserved only to repeating a thing enough to see its potential. But this won’t be enough.

We have to consider human’s penchant for becoming overwhelmed when faced with big numbers. For that, an established frequency of study must be decided on beforehand. Ideally, monthly study is probably optimal. More frequent and you may miss larger trends. Less often and you run the risk of forgetting previous insights.

But then what happens to the smaller operators who don’t have access to a large enough dataset for this to be effective? Self-study is likely the best option. See what works for your own interests to keep it interesting and tinker until the end of time? Ah, but then again, perhaps a better custom tool exists or some other hidden innovation.

All in all, the beauty of combining digital marketing and analytics is that you get to put your mind to use, understanding your customer’s interests and desires while incrementally improving your user experience.