Why Marketers And HR Should Work Together For a Great Company Culture

Human Resource Management and Marketers should be tight as thieves to boost the efficacy of one’s company progress. Haven’t thought about such a collaboration? We are ready to convince you of its advantages.

There are many possible advantages which people may get from a collaboration between Human Resource Management and Marketing leaders. These benefits enumerate more effective workflow, higher productivity, creative approaches to management, and innovation.

HR and marketing teams are collaborating more closely in today’s digital age to define company culture and project a consistent brand image through their people, all the way from the recruitment process to interacting with consumers, both internal and external.

Marketing has been using HR for a long time to solve its problems: search and selection of talents, development of motivation system, training and development of employees of the marketing department.

Why doesn’t HR address the help of marketing to cope with the new challenges that the market dictates? Consider five HR-tasks that can be effectively addressed using marketing tools.

What HR can learn from Marketing:

1. Talent segmentation

2. Embracing technology to engage with employees and prospects

What Marketing can learn from HR:

1. Influencing business behavior and strategy

2. Putting people first.

 HR can become a source of profit

It isn’t news that the goal of any business is earning money. More recently, this wasn’t a priority for HR-functions, and now cases are known, when the owners of companies fire entire departments. They no longer want to keep employees who water the flowers and shift paper from place to place.

To solve this problem, start thinking like a marketer. Marketing is the extraction of profit from the satisfaction of the consumer. And you learn to think about how to meet the needs of the “client” for profit.

HR can boost finances

Despite the fact that HR doesn’t directly earn money for the company, it has a very big influence on the formation of its profits. Here is a list of some ideas.

1. Monitor the situation on the market, monitor the level of salaries. Your priority should be key employees and key departments. You don’t need to raise everyone’s salary if your company can’t afford it.

2. The incentive system should be directly related to the company’s profit. Include in the program of the motivation of the best employees the possibility of obtaining additional bonuses from the super profits of the organization.

3. Involve the staff in solving the problems of the company, use their expertise. This will reduce the cost of external consultants.

4. Watch for staff turnover, learn the reasons, be sure to meet with key employees before they are dismissed. Most often they can be kept. The search for new personnel is a complex and expensive procedure. It isn’t more expensive to spend on it.

5. When teaching staff, do it wisely. Don’t become a school, but teach only those who want to learn, and what is needed for the company.

6. Automate and optimize business processes. Save your employees time and increase their productivity.

7. Measure the effectiveness of your activities and initiatives. Monitor and analyze ROI – ROI. Avoid “wild HR activity.”

 Newmarket conditions and challenges for business

The market is changing. New technologies are coming. Yesterday’s strategies no longer work. Business must adapt to new market conditions. HR also can’t ignore these changes.

What exactly and how does HR need to be monitored and analyzed in order not to hinder the development of the company? How to keep abreast of trends and trends in the market?

Use a strategic marketing tool called PESTeL analysis. It allows you to collect all P – political, E – economic, S – social, T – technological, L – legal factors in one simple table, which must be taken into account when developing HR strategy. In the section of social factors will fall generation Y and the shortage of people due to the demographic pockets of the 90s of the last century. In the technological — the development of social networks, increasing the speed of communications.

In economic —  stagnation of business growth, currency appreciation. In the legal —  new laws and requirements. By collecting in one table all the factors that affect your company as a whole and the HR function, in particular, you will be able to take them into account when developing a new HR strategy.

Where to get information? Attend profile conferences and forums, communicate with colleagues, read expert opinions, watch for changes in legislation, keep abreast of the challenges and difficulties that your company faces, study foreign analytics and trends.

Closer collaboration between marketing and HR is helping define brand identity and create a customer-centric company culture. The start of that is working together totally to build great businesses that future great employees will flock to, and current great employees want to stay at.


My name is Erica Fleming. I support the effective adoption of new technologies or ways of working within writing by communicating complex information in an informative and inspiring way. I’m fond of writing articles for students, helping with essays.