A Guide to Predictive Marketing

Many well-known global companies rely primarily on predictive marketing. Having an effective analytics model makes it easier to analyze customer behavior and trends. 

Predictive modeling is the process of extracting data and using probabilities to predict outcomes. The model contains variables that act as outcome predictors. Then a statistical model is developed to work with the collected data. According to a Forbes study, about 86% of large North American companies use predictive analytics marketing. This technology provided a positive return on investment.

Predictive analytics is about how to use existing customer data to predict the future. It covers activities ranging from data mining to predictive modeling. Modeling is based on our technique of transforming data into results. He has three basic degrees.

  • Density model
  • Cluster model
  • Collaborative filtering

Density models are used to accurately predict customer behavior. The probability of customer behavior is used for prediction. Instead, it is a scorecard used to find the customer base. The cluster model is used to segment customers. The data is divided into subsets that simplify the analysis. Algorithms are used to make predictions based on many variables. Collaborative filtering is used to recommend services and products to customers. This recommendation is based on previous purchase behavior. This is especially true of websites and service providers.

The Importance Of Predictive Marketing In Business

The relevance of predictive marketing is very similar to that of computer science and digital marketing. First, predictable technology enables marketers to better understand customer behavior. Using predictive marketing tools that are slightly different from traditional marketing data analysis, you can interpret your data and provide a solution without the need to provide recommendations to data researchers. 

In other words, predictive marketing models tell you exactly which marketing strategies will work and which won’t, making decisions easier. Predictive marketing models can determine whether customers should buy, when, and how to buy, as well as other business-related predictions based on customer data.

Predictive analytics can benefit your business in several ways. Here are some examples:

Generate business ideas

Predictive analytics makes it easy to generate new business ideas. You can use your existing archives to predict the future. These technologies make it easier to analyze existing content. You can define what your current customers are doing and tailor them to your interests.

Quality line creation

Predictive analytics allows marketers to measure customer orientation. This trend often leads to more accurate conclusions. The model you use analyzes customer data to make predictions and generate leads. Predictive analytics can also help improve lead scores. Search has historically been a collaboration between digital marketing and sales teams. The analytics feature helps marketing and sales teams by making lead points more accurate.

Product fit knowledge

With knowledge of previous lead data, purchases, and behavior, it becomes easier to understand what people’s needs and wants are. This can result in creating products that meet those needs or tweaking existing products to include features that help address existing and future pain points. 

Customer profiling

Predictive analytics allows businesses to map the customer journey. It’s also easy to see how your customers are reacting to your marketing initiatives. Marketers can profile a group of customers to suggest a more direct marketing strategy.

Accurate prediction of the value of life

Actual income metrics depend on total customer value. Predictive analytics makes it easy to calculate numbers based on historical data. Predictive models allow businesses to reasonably estimate customer lifetimes.

Additional information on churn trends

You can protect your standards with the right business plan. Marketers can analyze past behavior to identify any warning signs. This makes it easy to organize churn campaigns for the benefit of your company.

Ad and content recommendations

Many successful streaming and ecommerce companies rely on collaborative filtering to make relevant series or item recommendations. Smaller marketers are yet to implement these tactics. For those unfamiliar with it, collaborative filtering looks at past behavior. For instance, it might analyze aggregate-level content partners of a certain segment make recommendations for cross-selling, up-selling, or regular consumption. 

How Predictive Marketing Works

A classic example of predictive marketing is an e-commerce website that recommends products and services based on past consumer behavior. From the product search side to payment, these websites ensure that all returning consumers receive these product recommendations. These recommendations, which are the “collaborative filter” products on your website, are based on research into customer behavior, such as items in a customer’s shopping cart or items that customers or other customers have previously or have purchased. 

The actual content of the algorithm is usually more complex and can relate the data to time, location, demographic distribution and open rate, click-through rate, bounce rate, and a variety of other metrics.

But it’s not just large companies that can afford expensive computer scientists who can benefit from predictive marketing techniques. Our predictive marketing experts have also collected data from multiple sources and built predictable marketing models for our business. They already had access to the company’s marketing and customer data along with information about their marketing activities. The data analyst can then predict the success of the company’s marketing efforts.

What about collaborative filtering? Let’s understand with the help of an example. Suppose you discover that the majority of your recent customers in the retail sector signed up for a free trial right after coming across a case study of a Fortune 500 firm. Using this data, you can try and introduce the case study to you other prospects earlier in the sales cycle to see if you can shorten the conversion path.

How Predictable Marketing Reduces B2B Marketing Costs?

Business-to-business (B2B) marketing is an area where predictable analytics is especially important to reduce marketing costs and increase efficiency. B2B business costs can range from $35 to $100 or more, depending on the situation. This high cost makes the low conversion rate very expensive. The 1% conversion cost at $50 per lead is $5,000 to generate leads.

So, it’s no surprise that many companies jump into smart marketing solutions to better manage their marketing efforts and increase ROI.

Interesting statistics are: Of those marketers who responded to the Everstring State Survey of Predictive Marketing, 98% of marketers with little CRM, marketing automation, and marketing tools are either fully engaged or are already involved in marketing predictions.

Predictive Marketing -The Future Of B2B 

With quality campaign results, anyone can easily guess that automation is the future of marketing, centering on predictive marketing.

According to Everstring & Forrester’s report, B2B marketers are increasingly adopting predictive marketing. The main results are:

  • Forecast marketers reported a 2.9-fold (41%) revenue growth rate well above the industry average, while compared to 14% of retrospective marketers reporting these positive business results.
  • Half of our marketing prospects occupy top positions in the product and service category, but only 24% of retrospective marketers.
  • 49% of predictable marketers say their organization consistently exceeds the company’s benchmarks, while only 28% of retrospective marketers are effective at delivering similar value to their business.
  • In these three areas, data-driven predictive marketing generally sets the pace for B2B marketers. According to Salesforce, 91% of top marketers are already predictive marketers. It is also addressed by corporate funders. Venture capitalists and industry players have invested more than $5 billion in predictive marketing and similar data-driven marketing in just a few years. For building Dynamic Forms and generating documents in salesforce you can use Interactive documents for Salesforce.
  • According to the predictive intelligence benchmark report, 26.34% of total orders were influenced by predictive intelligence recommendations. In 36 months of analysis, the total number of orders affected increased from 11.47% to 34.71%.


After implementing predictive marketing, Smartereum and WhatsAround’s operations benefited from increased traffic, leads, and revenue. We were able to support our sales team by automatically evaluating leads and focusing on the most effective results. Predictive analytics marketing isn’t going any further, and businesses can work to drive it. Nothing can get in the way, as large companies have had success with analytics marketing.

Predictive Marketing models are good, but ultimately useless if you can’t relate them to your daily marketing campaigns. This leads to the first rule of predictive analytics. Always make sure your predictive analytics platform integrates directly with marketing systems such as email providers, websites, call centers, or payment systems.