How to Grow a Facebook Group

Facebook groups are a place where people can gather together to discuss a common interest such as a cause, an issue, or an activity. However, they are not the same as Facebook pages made to serve as the company’s official Facebook presence. For example, suppose that you are a fan of BBC and Amazon; you can go to their group and connect with them if you want to stay updated about their latest news.

Facebook groups are not a new concept. They have been around for many years, which makes them one of the oldest features on Facebook. These groups have become more important nowadays for communicating with the fans since the Facebook algorithm update that de-prioritizes brand content.

Many big brands have seen significant success in their business from creating and growing their groups. The founder of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, has stressed a lot that he wants them to play a more significant role in the everyday user experience on the site. 

Tips for Growing a Facebook Group

Add a Link to Your Blog’s Menu

One of the easiest ways to bring many right people to your Facebook group is to add a link in your main blog navigation menu. These people are the right target audience you need as they already read your blog; that is why they are more likely to jump onto the chance to join your Facebook group. You can add an option for “Community” or “Facebook group” in your blog’s menu so that people can see.

Put Links to Facebook Groups in Your Email

A great way to gain many members on autopilot is to put the link of your Facebook group in your email signature. If you send an email in this way, you have a higher chance of getting a new member than sending it without any link. There are many different creative ways to do this, and many of them make it easier for people to join your group with just a click of a button.

Share Your Group On Your YouTube Channel

Nowadays, it is not a big surprise that video content is taking over the business world. You probably have seen many motivational speakers out there like GaryVee saying that “Content is King.” But if it indeed is King, then video content is Queen. More than 2 billion active YouTube users watch YouTube daily, making it a perfect platform to promote your Facebook group.

Make a Pinterest Account For Your Group

Pinterest has over 175 million active users every month and has become a go-to place for many bloggers, marketers, and business owners. It only makes sense to go to this social media platform if you want to advertise your Facebook group. It is one of the fastest and easiest ways of getting your content seen by many people on the internet, and it lasts longer than posting on Facebook and Twitter.

Pinterest group boards are powerhouses for marketing as they can reach thousands or even millions of people. That is why it stands to the reason that practically every entrepreneur and blogger on Pinterest has at least one group board. A common thing among business owners is that they place the link to their Facebook group at the end of the group board’s description.

Pin a Graphic With the Link on Twitter

If you are not using Twitter to promote your content, services, and products, you are missing out on a big thing, and the same is the case with Facebook. Over 500 million tweets go out every day, making it challenging to make your content stick around long enough to be seen. 

But still, you can make your content stick around to be seen for a long time by pinning it to the top of your feed. Create an eye-catching, high-quality graphic and pin it after posting it on Twitter so whenever someone comes to your account, the first he will see will be your pinned post.

Place it on the Sidebar of Your Website

If you have a website, you should place your Facebook group’s link in the sidebar of your website. If you have made a Facebook group related to your blog, you already have a head start. This is because you already have the same target audience interested in your content for your blog and Facebook group.

Make a Welcome Email or Series

Mentioning your Facebook group to everyone who signs up to your email list is a great way to get people to join. When you make your email or a series of emails for your new subscribers, make sure that you include an invitation to join your Facebook group. This means that every new subscriber of your email list will get an invitation to your Facebook group. 

Other than that, you are well aware that they already enjoy your content, so most of these subscribers will be perfect for your group.

Link Your Group to Your Own Facebook Page

The Facebook business pages have become almost outdated because of the significant decline in organic reach. But it’s still beneficial for your business to have a Facebook page for many different reasons. However, it seems that the days of seeing tons of traffic directly from Facebook Pages have gone due to their massive upgrading of servers. 

They are still proven to be an excellent way for promoting your Facebook groups by linking your Facebook group to your Facebook page.

Share the Link of Your Facebook Group In Other Groups

Many bloggers or business owners who use Facebook groups for growing their organic blog traffic see a lot of traffic from Facebook groups. They are very powerful if you know how to use them in the right way. 

Add Links to All Your Websites

There are many places where you can add your links to your Facebook group on the website. We have already mentioned adding links to the main navigation menu of your websites and sidebars. Your website will be your best option for gaining new group members as your audience is already interested in your content. They will jump onto your new group without giving it a second thought.

Promote Your Groups On the “Thank You” Page

If you have opt-in offers or paid products on your blogs, you would most likely have “Thank You” landing pages that show up when the visitors enter their email addresses. The “Thank You” pages are so underutilized. When someone submits their email address, they will most likely like your content and brand. The timing and opportunity cannot be better for you to invite them to your Facebook group.

Add the Link to Your Social Media Content Schedule

It’s almost too easy to overlook one of the intelligent ways to get your Facebook group noticed during the daily grind of operating a business. The common mistake that most Facebook group owners make is that they post a stunning graphic on social media for the first week to advertise their group, but then with a matter of time, it slowly dies out. 

The best thing they can do is to set up a social media scheduling tool and use it to cross-promote your Facebook group on other social media platforms.

Use Instagram Bio for Advertising Your Facebook Group

Instagram has one tiny spot in which you can place your website link. It is only one small area where you can put your most important link out of many others in your mind. However, in the initial stages of growing your Facebook group, the most brilliant move you can make is to use the link of your Facebook group for as long as possible. Doing this allows you to grow your group on autopilot like most of these strategies.

Facebook Group Growth – It’s All about Time and Approach

Starting your own Facebook group might sound like a difficult thing to do, but you should not worry because it gets easier over time, and it’s one of the excellent marketing strategies you can use to grow your business. 

Especially if you use the right strategies, the group’s growth will be on autopilot. You should always believe in yourself that you can build a community of interested and loyal fans. They will attend every webinar that you arrange.