11 Ways to Market Your Fundraiser Offline

11 Ways to Market Your Fundraiser Offline

If you are intending to raise funds through a charity event, there are marketing techniques that can help greatly both online and offline. Depending on your desire and budget, you can try a number of promotional activities for your charity event. If you have taken care of online marketing and are now … Read more

Marketing Ideas #59-66: Event-Goers Love Attention to Detail

Don’t skimp on the small stuff when you’re producing an event. People will always expect certain things, and if they’ve paid to be there, they have a right to expect those things. #59: If you have an event or seminar, provide beverages, a coat rack or coat check, and snacks. #60: Validate … Read more

Marketing Idea #57: Offer Great Music

People love to hear great music, so if you would like to offer music at your next event, make sure the band is well-known and worth your audience’s attention. Nothing screams cheap like bad or inappropriate music that is forced upon would-be customers. Your band should understand your business and your clientele … Read more