Marketing Ideas #59-66: Event-Goers Love Attention to Detail

Marketing Ideas Event Attention to Detail

Don’t skimp on the small stuff when you’re producing an event. People will always expect certain things, and if they’ve paid to be there, they have a right to expect those things. #59: If you have an event or seminar, provide beverages, a coat rack or coat check, and snacks. #60: Validate … Read more

Marketing Idea #56: Conduct a Seminar

Offer an adult education class or seminar. This may be something you conduct through a local school or university, or it could be offered through a local business association or group. Your intent is to bring value to the attendees and the program hosts and to become known. Variation: Spread the wealth. … Read more

Marketing Idea #92: Videotape Your Event

Step 1: Get quotes from people at several of the local video shops, interview them, and look at their portfolios. Pick the one that you feel best about. Step 2: Have them videotape your seminar and make it web-ready. Ask them to send you all raw and edited footage. You should have … Read more