Marketing Idea #45: The Power of Aroma

Marketing Ideas Power of Aroma

Create an aromatic environment by using vaporizers or oils. Have you ever walked past a restaurant or café and been captured by the rich or appetizing aroma wafting from inside? Studies have shown that customers linger longer in aromatic environments. Our sense of smell is the only sense that isn’t filtered by … Read more

Marketing Idea #102: The Great SEO Lie

SEO Case Study: Content is NOT King

Question: Your SEO marketer has guaranteed you long-term placement on the front page of Google. Do you believe them? Answer: I’m amazed at how often I run across customers who have been sold on “guaranteed rankings in Google” only to find out once their PPC (pay per click) campaign ended, their “top-spot” … Read more

Marketing Idea #89: Collect Testimonials

Marketing Ideas Collect Testimonials

Collect testimonials from your best clients as a regular part of your follow-up survey process. Make sure you tell them you’ll be using all or part of their testimonials in your ongoing marketing efforts. Then, incorporate the best testimonials into every touch you have with your clients, such as invoices and marketing … Read more

Marketing Idea #47: Host a Competition

Host a Competition

Host and promote a competition. You can call it “The Great ____________ Race.” Set up a small number of teams, each with a small number of participants. One team wins upon accomplishing the appropriate task you set before them. The entry fee may be the cost (or reduced cost) of your service. … Read more

Marketing Idea #57: Offer Great Music

Marketing Ideas Offer Great Music

People love to hear great music, so if you would like to offer music at your next event, make sure the band is well-known and worth your audience’s attention. Nothing screams cheap like bad or inappropriate music that is forced upon would-be customers. Your band should understand your business and your clientele … Read more